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Full Name:
Birthday: Unknown
Birthplace: Ferenginar
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Marital Status: Dating Ishka
      Son: Krax
Education: Unknown
Former Occupation: Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance

Notable Events

2373- Began dating Ishka
2375- Became trapped in alternative universe
2375- Retired to Risa with Ishka.  Turned over control of the Ferengi Alliance to Rom.


     Zek served as Grand Nagus of Fereginar.  He met Ishka in 2373 and they fell in love.  When she was captured, he offered 50 bars of latinum for her safe return.

      Zek introduced an amendment to the Ferengi Bill of Opportunities that allowed women to wear clothing on Fereginar.  He also instituted a representative legislature known as the Congress of Economic Advisors.

     He returned in 2375 and turned over control to Ishka younger son, Rom.  He and Ishka moved to Risa for their retirement.

Additional Pictures