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Full Name:
Birthday: N/A
     Clones 1-4: Gamma Quadrant
     Clones 5-8: Alpha Quadrant
Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Species: Vorta
Marital Status: N/A

Notable Events

2337- Born on Turkana IV
2364- Assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise-D as Security Chief
2364- Died on Vagra II from an alien assault


     Weyoun was the Vorta responsible for the Dominion War.  His first Cardassian aide was Gul Dukat.  When Dukat left and captured by Starfleet, Damar took over. Weyoun showed very little patience with Damar.

     The sixth clone was "defective".  He killed himself to save Odo.  The seventh clone sent Jem'Hadar ships to make sure the sixth was killed.  The fifth died in a transporter accident.

     Weyoun was killed by Garak in 2375.  Weyoun had eight clones before his final clone was killed.

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