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Nyota Uhura

Full Name:
Nyota Uhura
Birthday: 2239
Birthplace: United States of Africa, Earth
     Father: Unknown
     Mother: M'Umbha
Siblings: Unknown
Species: Human
Marital Status: Single
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2257-2261
Final Rank: Commander

Notable Events

2239- Born
2257- Entered Starfleet Academy
2261- Graduated Starfleet Academy
2266- Assigned to Communications Officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise
2271- Promoted to lieutenant commander and assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise
Assigned to Starfleet Academy cadet training and Starfleet Command communications
2285- As a Commander, aboard U.S.S. Enterprise for rescue of Genesis development team
2286- Inquiry dismissed charges related to theft of U.S.S. Enterprise
2287- Oversaw communications on U.S.S. Enterprise-A


      Uhura was born in 2239 in the United Stated of Africa on Earth.  She entered Starfleet Academy in 2257 and graduated 4 years later.  Her mother was M'Umbha. She was a talented singer.

     She was the Communication Officer aboard the Enterprise in 2366 and retained the position for many years.  She was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 2371.

     In 2377, she was assigned to Starfleet Academy cadet training and Starfleet Command Communication.

     In 2380, she helped the other members of the Enterprise crew rescue Spock off the Genesis Planet.  She was court-martialed but the charges were dropped.

Additional Pictures