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Full Name:
Birthday: 2088
Birthplace: Vulcan
  Father: Died
  Mother: T'Les (died)
Siblings: Unknown
Species: Vulcan
Marital Status: Married and divorced Koss in 2154
Children: None
Education: Unknown
Rank: Sub-Commander (Vulcan Rank)
Current Assignment: Science Officer/First Officer, Enterprise NX-01

Notable Events

2088- Born on Vulcan
2154- Married and divorced Koss
2154- Mother dies


     T'Pol was born on Vulcan.  She wad betrothed to Koss, however, that marriage was postponed in 2151.

     In 2149, she transferred to the Vulcan Consulate on Earth.  Two years later, she transferred to the Enterprise NX-01.  She became First Officer and Science Officer.  T'Pol continue to report to the Vulcan government while on Enterprise.

     She would decide to leave the Vulcan military to remain on Enterprise before the Xindi mission.  During the mission, she would become addicted to Trellium-D.  It would have lasting effects on her for many years.

     She learned that her mother was a Surannite.  She would witness her mother die in an attack.  She would help her deliver the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan High Command.  She would briefly date Charles Tucker III before the end of Enterprise's mission.

Additional Pictures