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The Doctor

TheDoctor.JPG (14899 bytes)
Full File Name:
Emergency Medical Hologram AK-1
Activation Date: SD 48308.2. (2371)
Origin of program: Jupiter Station Holo-Programming Center
Original Programmer: Doctor Lewis Zimmerman, Starfleet
Programming: Taken from among 3,000 cultures and 47 specific surgeons

Notable Events

2371- Activated
2372- Refused direct order to separate Tuvix into Tuvok and Neelix
2372- Fell in love with Vidiian Danara Pel


     In 2371, the Emergency Medical Hologram aboard the U.S.S. Voyager was activated when the Chief Medical Officer was killed when the ship was transported to the Delta Quadrant.

     The EMH adapted his programming including the abilities to sign and interact more with the crew.

     The EMH was only designed to be used for only 1,500 hours. By 2373 (Stardate 50252.3), the limit was reached and the EMH suffered a level-4 memory fragmentation. Rather then to re-initialize the EMH, which would of caused him to lose his memory. Instead they merged the EMH program matrix with the Jupiter Station EMH Diagnostic Program.

     In 2374, he traveled to the Alpha Quadrant and was successful in telling Starfleet Command that Voyager had not been destroyed but was in the Delta Quadrant.

     When Voyager traveled back to 1996, Henry Starling (a business tycoon who died trying to steal technology from the future) gave the EMH an autonomous holo-emitter. The device allowed the EMH to travel  anywhere while he was wearing it.

Additional Pictures