The Tellarites were a humanoid species with
distinguished snouts. They are from the planet Tellar Prime. In 2161, they
became one of the founding members of the Federation.
Tellarites are an inpatient species. They are also
quite stubborn. They loved a good argument. Arguing was considered a sport to
the Tellarites. They would either complain or insult to start an argument.
The Tellarites had warp drive as early as the 20th
century. They responded to a Vulcan distress signal that has crashed on Earth.
In November 2154, a Tellarite delegation lead by
Ambassador Gral. They went to the planet Babel to settle a trade dispute with
the Andorians.
The Romulans attempted to destabilize the region during the conference. A
temporary alliance was formed amont the Andorians, Vulcans, Humans, and the
Tellarites. Together they were able to stop the Romulan plot.
In 2155, a delegation of Tellarite ambassadors was sent to Earth to join in the
talks of forming a Coalition of Planets. It was these talks that would
eventually form the United Federation of Planets.