The Taresians are from the Delta Quadrant. The Taresian women will entice men from other worlds to their planet. They do this for breeding purposes.
Taresians have numerous enemies. The Nesari believe that the Taresians are up to no good. They attack any ships that show there might be a Taresian or show Taresian genetic code.
The Taresian population is nearly 90% female. They have the ability to transform men from other worlds into compatiable mates. Males only have one purpose on Taresia. That is to make the females pregnant.
The women recruit their mates by distributing a retrovirus throughout nearby worlds. It will infect males that come in contact with it. Once it infects, it will begin to reconstruct his DNA.
The affected will begin to develop Taresian facial markings. New “memories” come to light like “remembering” Taresian history, culture, and language. He will also seek out the planet.
Three Taresian women will select the “new” Taresian male for the marriage and fertility ritual. Once this happens, a marriage ceremony will take place.
Once the women become pregnant, they will harvest their husband’s cells in order to collect enough genetic material for multiples pregnancies. As this happens, the male will become weak and then die. This takes place in just four days.
It is rare for any Taresian male to escape this. Ensign Harry Kim of the U.S.S. Voyager was one of the few that ever escaped from this.Their ships are small but powerful. Sometimes the captain may be the only one onboard the ship.