Starfleet Academy is a training facility for Starfleet personnel. Located in the Presidio of San Francisco. Starfleet Academy started in the early 2140s but was officially adopted as the primary teaching facility of the United Federation of Planets in 2161 upon the founding of the UFP. Starfleet Academy is a four-year institution.
Advanced Subspace Geometry- Course taught at Starfleet Academy.
Ancient philosophies- A required course taught at Starfleet Academy.
Basic Warp Drive- A required engineering course taught at Starfleet Academy.
Academy Flight Range- Located near Saturn, an area reserved for flight exercises by cadets from Starfleet Academy.
Academy Range Officer- Starfleet officer in charge of the Academy Flight Range.
Elementary Temporal Mechanics- Course taught at Starfleet Academy.
"ex astris, scientia"- Starfleet Academy motto "From the stars, knowledge."
Exochemistry- Required class at Starfleet Academy.
Kobayshi Maru scenario- A Starfleet Academy training exercise in which command-track cadets were presented with a "no-win" scenario as a test of character.
Moral and Ethical Issues- A course taught at Starfleet Academy.
Presidio- Starfleet Academy is located in the Presidio; ancient fort located in the San Francisco Bay area on Earth, it was a military installation well into the 20th century.
Probability Mechanics- Area of study at Starfleet Academy.
Psych Test- A part of the entrance examination for Starfleet Academy cadets, designed to determine a candidate's reaction to his or her greatest fears.
Quantum Chemistry- Course taught at Starfleet Academy during the fourth year.
Red Squad- An elite group of Starfleet Academy cadets chosen for special secret missions.
Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program- Six-week course designed to prepare prospective cadets for the Starfleet Academy entrance exam. Program admission is by testing only and applicants are required to perform satisfactorily on a stress-reactions test, spatial-orientation test, and deductive-reasoning test. Testing for admission requires approximately four days.
Statistical Mechanics- A required mathematics course at Starfleet Academy.
Transporter Theory- A class taught at Starfleet Academy.