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Full Name:
Birthday: 2230
Birthplace: Shi'Kahr, Vulcan
     Father: Ambassador Sarek
     Mother: Amanda Grayson
Sybok (Sarek's first wife)
Marital Status: Once married
Education: Starfleet Academy, 2249-2253
Captain, retired

Notable Events

2230- Born on Vulcan
2237- Betrothed to T'Pring
2249- Enters Starfleet Academy
2252- As a cadet, assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise
2253- Graduates from Starfleet Academy
2269- Retired from Starfleet
2271- Returned to Starfleet
2277- Promoted to Captain
2285- Died; but is reborn at Genesis Planet
2286- Though uncharged, stands with Kirk and shipmates for theft of Enterprise.


     Spock was born in 2230 on Vulcan.  His parents were Sarek and Amanda. When he was five, he was upset cause Vulcan boys tormented him saying he wasn't a Vulcan.  He was raised with his half-brother, Sybok.

     He entered Starfleet Academy in 2249 against his father's wishes.  The two had little contact due to this.  Sarek had hoped Spock would attend the Vulcan Science Academy.  He was the first Vulcan to join Starfleet Academy.

     He was assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike.  He was decorated twice by Starfleet.  He remained on the ship for a number of years.

     Spock retired from Starfleet in 2369, however, he returned later in 2371.  He had been attempting Kolinahr.

     In 2285, Spock was killed while saving the Enterprise from the detonation of the Genesis Device.  He mind-melded with Leonard McCoy place his mind into McCoy.  The torpedo casing holding his body landed on the Genesis Planet and regenerated it.  His mind and body were rejoined on Vulcan in the fal-tor-pan. He underwent several months of re-education.

     In 2293, Spock served as Federation special envoy to the Klingon government that led to the Federation and Klingon peace treaty, Khitomer Accords.

     In 2368, Spock traveled to Romulus to attempt reunification of the Vulcans and Romulans.  After Sarek's death during the same year, he mind-melded with Captain Jean-Luc Picard and learned of his father's love for him.

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