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     The Skrreea were a humanoid species from the Gamma Quadrant.  They are a matriarchal society, because Skrreean males demonstrated lower intelligence than females.  Some females would have several spouses.

     Skrreeans also have an unusual skin condition which causes them to leave odorous flakes of skin behind.

     The Skrreean spoken language has a very unique syntax and grammatical structure, causing the universal translator to struggle with it initially before it could establish a translation matrix.

     They were conquered by the T-Rogorans in the 16th century.  The Dominion conquered the T-Rogorans in 2370.  The Skrrea decided to flee in what ships they had.

     They traveled through the Bajoran Wormhole.  They attempted to settle on Bajor but Bajor refused.  One of their ships was destroyed during a short battle with the Bajorans.  The Skrrea accepted the Federation's offer to find them a homeworld.