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Jake Sisko

Full Name:
Jake Sisko
Birthday: 2355
Birthplace: Unknown
     Father: Captain Benjamin Sisko
     Mother: Jennifer Sisko
     Step-Mother: Kasidy Yates
     Grandfather: Joseph Sisko
     Grandmother: Sarah Sisko
Siblings: Unborn child (Kasidy Yates)
Species: Human
Marital status: Single
: Deep Space Nine School
Current Residence: Deep Space Nine/Bajor

Notable Events

2355- Born
His father married Kasidy Yates.
2375- His father was killed while stopping Gul Dukat from releasing the Pah-Wraiths from the Fire Caves on Bajor. His father became a Bajoran Prophet.


     Jake Sisko was born in 2355.  His parents were Captain Benjamin Sisko and Jennifer Sisko. His mother died in 2367 during the battle of Wolf 359 aboard the U.S.S. Saratoga.

     He moved to Deep Space Nine when his father took command of the station in 2369.

     He was a writer and was accepted to Pennington School on Earth in 2371.  He did not accept the offer.  He wrote his first novel in 2372.  It was called Anslem.

     In 2373, he wrote "Past Prologue". He also accompanied Doctor Julian Bashir to Ajilon Prime to help out a hospital after a Klingon attack.

     In late 2373, he became an official correspondent for the Federation News Service.  He reported on the events that happened on Deep Space Nine during the Dominion War.  He sold a book to them about his experience living on Deep Space Nine under Dominion rule.

     In 2375, he lost his father when the elder Sisko would stop Gul Dukat from gaining control of the Pah-wraiths.

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