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Full Name:
Birthday: 2333
Birthplace: Ferenginar
     Father: Keldar
     Mother: Ishka
     Brother: Grand Nagus Rom
Current Marital Status
: Single
     Ex-wife: Grillka (Klingon)
Species: Ferengi
Occupation: Owner and bartender/host, Quark's Place, Deep Space Nine

Notable Events



     Quark was born on Ferenginar in 2333.  His parents were Keldar and Ishka.  As a young man, he was the apprentice to a subnagus.  He was ousted when he dated the subnagus' sister.

     He worked on a Ferengi freighter for nine year.  He then opened a bar on Terok Nor (Deep Space Nine).

     In 2371, he accidentally killed a Klingon and helped his wife, Grilka, insure her financial security.  During the following year, the employees of his bar formed a union which caused problems with the Ferengi FCA.

     He lost and regained his Ferengi business license during 2373.  Later in 2373, he was misdiagnosed with the fatal Dorek Syndrome.  Grilka returned to Deep Space Nine and Quark fell in love with her, however, she turned him down.

     He helped to take back Deep Space Nine from the Dominion in 2374.  He led a team of Ferengi to rescue his mother from the Dominion.  In 2375, his brother, Rom, became the next Grand Nagus.

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