Full Name: Miles Edward O'Brien
Birthday: September 2328
Birthplace: Killarney, Ireland, Earth
Father: Michael O'Brien
Mother: Unknown
Step-Mother: Unknown
Marital Status: Married to Keiko Ishikawa
Daughter: Molly O'Brien
Son: Kirayoshi O'Brien
Current Assignment: Professor of Engineering, Starfleet Academy |
Notable Events
2346- Enlisted as a non-commissioned officer in Starfleet
2347- As young crewman posted to NCC-57295 U.S.S. Rutledge under Capt. Ben Maxwell, was
decorated after Setlik III and re-assigned by Maxwell as a bridge tactical officer
2364- Assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise-D
2366- Marries Keiko Ishikawa
2368- Daughter Molly is born
2369- Transferred to Deep Station Nine
2373- Son Kirayoshi is born
2375- Miles returns to Starfleet Academy to accept a teaching post