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Full Name:
Birthday: Unknown

Rinax, a Talax moon
Parents: Unknown
     Sisters: Alixia and Raxel
Species: Talaxian male
Marital status: Single
Former assignment: Chef, U.S.S. Voyager
Current Residence: Talaxian settlement on Delta Quadrant asteroid

Notable Events

2356- Family killed by metreon cascade
2371- Joined Voyager crew
2371- Attacked and lungs removed by Vidiians (Stardate: 48532.4)
2373- Engaged in illegal activities and punished
2374- Neelix was killed and bought back to life causing distress
2375- Suffered from nihiliphobia when U.S.S. Voyager traveled through a spatial void
Joined other Talaxians living on an asteroid in the Delta Quadrant



     Neelix was born on Rinax, a Talaxian moon.  His family was killed in 2356.  He had numerous siblings. His sisters included Alixia and Raxel.  He was quite fond of Alixia.

     He worked as an engineer's assistant for two years and also for a mining colony.

     He joined the U.S.S. Voyager crew in 2371.  He was romantically involved with Kes until their breakup three years later. His lungs were removed in 2371 (Stardate: 48532.4). Kes gave him one of hers.

     In 2373, he engaged in illegal trading.  Captain Kathryn Janeway found out and punished him.

     In 2374, (Stardate: 51449), he was killed in a shuttlecraft accident.  Seven of Nine used modified nanoprobes to revive him. This left him upset about the Talaxian afterlife.

     In 2377, Voyager came across a group of Talaxians. Neelix decided to leave the crew of Voyager and stay with the Talaxians.

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