Full Name:
Birthday: Unknown
Birthplace: Rinax, a Talax moon
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Numerous
Sisters: Alixia and Raxel
Species: Talaxian male
Marital status: Single
Former assignment: Chef, U.S.S. Voyager
Current Residence: Talaxian settlement on Delta Quadrant asteroid
Notable Events
2356- Family killed by metreon cascade
2371- Joined Voyager crew
2371- Attacked and lungs removed by Vidiians (Stardate: 48532.4)
2373- Engaged in illegal activities and punished
2374- Neelix was killed and bought back to life causing distress
2375- Suffered from nihiliphobia when U.S.S. Voyager traveled through a
spatial void
2377- Joined other Talaxians living on an asteroid in the Delta Quadrant