Mintaka III is the homeworld of the Mintakans. Mintakans appear similar to Vulcans and Romulans, however, they are at the technology level of Earth during its Bronze Age.
Mintakan men and women have different status-quos. Women will precede the men so others will know who they have to deal with about her man.
The Mintakans would meet to discuss ideas, trade, barter, and share information. Visitors were allowed in the town hall, especially if they had something to trade.
It appears that their early culture was surrounded by the supernatural. According to their legends, there used to be beings with extraordinary powers. They controlled the rain and the sun. They also controlled life and death. One legend talks about the Overseer. It is said the Overseer could bring the dead back to life.
Mintakans were especially good at the the sciences. The women started as children learning about the sciences.
Starfleet sent a team to the planet for research. This took place in the early 2360s. It was led by Dr. Barron.
The field generator blew and the holographic representation of the rocks failed. The Mintakans saw advanced technology at work. U.S.S. Enterprise-D captain Jean-Luc Picard chose to reveal the true happenings of what was going on. Starfleet since then has had no contact with Mintaka III.