The Kobali are a humanoid species from the Delta
Quadrant. They are a warp-capable species. Their medical technology is more
advanced then that of the Federation.
With this medical technology, they can reanimate
someone that had been dead for more then two weeks. The revived person will look
Kobali and not their original form.
Kobali physiology differs then that then humans. They
have a six-lobed brain. It is possible to change a person's appearance by
inaprovaline injection but this must be done often cause of the Kobali genetic
pathogen will undo the changes.
Kobali do not procreate to get offspring like other
species. They salvage dead sentient life forms which they reanimate. This
process is sometimes against other cultures' customs. Sometimes they will try to
escape and return home to their previous life. These Kobali are usually searched
for so they can return home.
Starfleet made first contact with the Kobali in 2376
when Jhet'leya attempted to return to her previous life aboard the U.S.S.
Voyager. She would eventually leave Voyager and resume her new life.