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Full Name:
Birthplace: Ocampa
     Father: Benaren
     Mother: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Species: Ocampa
Uncle: Elrem
Former Marital status: Single
Former Position:
Nurse, U.S.S. Voyager

Notable Events

2370- Born
2371- Benaren died
2371- Joined Voyager crew
2372- Kes entered a false elogium
2374- Kes left the ship as pure energy
2376- Kes returned to Voyager nearly destroying the ship and killing the crew



     Kes was born in 2370 on Ocampa.  Her father was Benaren.  She left a year later to be with Neelix on the U.S.S. Voyager.  They broke up a little over three years later.

     She became a nurse on the ship while being tutored by Voyager's EMH.

     In 2374, her mental powers increased in strength. Shortly thereafter, she began to transform into pure energy and left Voyager before she destroyed it.  After leaving the ship, she pushed the ship 9,500 light-years closer to Alpha Quadrant.

     She returned a few years later almost destroying the ship.  She blamed the crew for what happened to her.  She eventually remembered that the crew of Voyager were her friends and she left.

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