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Kazon are a very aggressive race. They are separated into different sects. The
sects typically don’t get along with each other. The sects change often so an
exact number of sects are never known. In 2371, there were 18 sects. The “first
maje” is the leader of each sect.
Their technology is limited. Their ships are
warp-capable. The ships don’t feature transporters, replicators, and other
modern technology. Any technology they acquire is usually stolen from another
alien species.
The Kazon were once considered an advanced race. That
changed once the Trabe enslaved the Kazon. In 2346, Jal Sankur united the
different Kazon sects and overthrew the Trabe. With their new found freedom,
they were unable to self-govern themselves.
Their culture is base on warrior ideals and they are
violent. Male children are taught warrior ways at a young age. Most male Kazon
live on Kazon Raiders. The women have no power or respect.
The first maje will often make first contact with other
ships. He will also consider what sects should be considered as aliens and
enemies. Most sects will have lower-ranking majes. They will usually command
other ships.
In some sects, the first maje position is inherited. Assassinations are performed to gain political advancement in other sects.
In the Kazon-Ogla sect, a boy will have to pass a rite
of passage to be considered a man and earn his “Ogla” name. It typically will
happen at around the age of 13. The boy will have to kill an enemy or die
trying. If he fails, he will be considered a “Goven” – an outcast. If he
succeeds, he will earn the title of Jal.
Aboard the Kazon ships, it is not uncommon for members
of the crew not to be children. The older Kazon will teach the younger males to
become trained warriors.
The Kazon will often keep trophies of their battles. It
is common on Kazon Raiders to have a room set up with trophies.
The U.S.S. Voyager came across a number of Kazon sects. The Kazon-Nistrim’s first maje was Jal Cullah. The Kazon-Relora sect was sworn
enemies of the Nistrim sect. The Relora were considered to be one of the
strongest sects. The Kazon-Ogla, Kazon-Pommar, Kazon-Oglamar, and Kazon-Hobii
were other sects Voyager’s crew came across.
Peace Treaty Failure
In 2372, the Voyager crew attempted to unify some of
the Kazon sects and the Trabe. Voyager forged an alliance with the Trabe.
The negotiations ended in failure after a Kazon ship
opened fire on the building in which the talked had been taken place.
Kazon Raiders
The Kazon stole their ships from the Trabe. They were
not prepared to take control of the ships. It appears that all sects have
Raiders. The more powerful sects have larger fleets.
The ships are rather huge but are not technology
advanced. They are equipped with directed energy weapons, torpedoes, and
Kazon Sects
- Kazon-Hobii
- Kazon-Monstral
- Kazon-Nistrim
- Kazon-Ogla
- Kazon-Oglamar
- Kazon-Pommar
- Kazon-Relora
- Kazon-Sari