The Karemma are a peaceful race that is controlled by the Dominion. The Karemma are a humanoid species. They are a tall species. Males have a pronounced nose.
The Karemma are a technological advanced species. They have their own fleet of ships to carry out their trading. Trading is controlled by Karemma Commerce Ministry. The ships aren’t built for battle.
The Dominion refused the Karemma to trade with the Federation. The Dominion allowed them to trade with Quark for nearly two years before the Dominion intervened and put a stop to it.
They usually dress in long coats and pants formally. They also wear a light metallic slash reflecting their fastidious nature.
They take pride themselves for the way they conduct business. They don’t believe in cheating or falsifying inventories for extra profit.
The Karemma contact the Dominion through the Vorta. They don’t care that they can’t contact the Founders directly. They will obey the Dominion before trading.
The Karemma were forced to stop trading with the Alpha Quadrant during the war. It remains unknown if the Karemma were allowed to trade with the Alpha Quadrant once the war ended.