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Admiral Jonathan Archer

Full Name:
Jonathan Archer
Birthday: 2112
Birthplace: New York, Earth
Henry Archer (died in 2124 from Clarke's Disease)
     Mother: Sally Archer
Siblings: None
Species: Human
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Education: Starfleet Academy
Last Rank: Admiral
Last Starfleet Assignment: Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command

Notable Events

2112- Born in New York
2151- Took command of NX-01 Enterprise
2175- Served as member of Federation Council
2284- Became Federation President for next 8 years


     Jonathan Archer's father was Henry Archer.  Henry Archer was responsible for building the Warp 5 capable drive.  Jonathan Archer was born in New York on Earth.  He spent most of his childhood in San Francisco.

     As a commander, Archer was one of four test pilots in the NX Program in the 2140s. In 2143, he achieved warp 2.5 with the NX-Beta together with A.G. Robinson. That same year, Archer also became friends with Charles Tucker.

     His hatred for the Vulcans began at an early age.  He began to accept them after T'Pol was assigned to the Enterprise NX-01, which he took command of in 2151.

     He made first contract with Klingons after taking an injured Klingon back to Qo'noS.  He also made first contact with the Suliban.

     He also made first contact with Andorians, Axanars, Tandarans, Malurians, and Mazarities during his first year of commanding Enterprise.

     After the Xindi attacked Earth in 2153, Archer would lead the Enterprise crew into the Delphic Expanse to search for the Xindi.  After spending several weeks in the expanse, Archer would get some of the Xindi fractions on his side.  Archer was able to stop the Xindi superweapon from destroying Earth.

     At his retirement from Starfleet, Archer was Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command, with rank of Admiral. Archer became an honorary member of the Andorian Imperial Guard in 2164, Federation Ambassador to Andoria in 2169, a representative on the Federation Council in 2175, and ultimately President of the United Federation of Planets in 2184, where he served for eight years.

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