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Full Name
: Ishka
Birthday: Unknown
Birthplace: Ferenginar
Species: Ferengi
     Mother: Unknown
Martial Status: Dating Zek
     Sons: Quark and Rom
Current Residence: Risa

Notable Events

2373- Began dating Grand Nagus Zek
2374- Kidnapped by the Dominion
2375- Retired with Zek to Risa


     Ishka was the daughter of Adred. She did not believe in traditional Ferengi ways.  She wore clothing and earned profit.

     In 2373, she became involved with former Grand Nagus Zek. She told Zek of her plans to reform women's right on Ferenginar.  He later implanted the right for women to wear clothing.

     In 2374, while traveling to Vulcan for cosmetic ear-lifting, she was captured by the Dominion.  She was rescued by her sons, Quark and Rom, and Rom's son, Nog.

     Later that year, she had a heart attack and had to have a heart transplant. She and Zek retired to Risa.  Rom became the next Grand Nagus.

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