Laura used to work for Star Trek: The Experience.
Star Trek Information
Center: Hey Laura, How are you today?
Hi, I'm doing pretty well today, thanks.
STIC: That is
great. So you used to work for the Star Trek Experience, what was it like?
It was the best two years of my life. I miss it there so much.
STIC: What did
you used to do there?
Laura: I worked in the Promenade. I was a "Bajoran
Merchant". *LOL* It was fun to have my own character. We all had our own
STIC: Sounds
interesting. What did you do as a Bajoran Merchant?
Laura: I
sold the memorabilia. T-Shirts, mugs, name it, we had it.
STIC: Did you work in one of the
Laura: I
sure did. Every one. We rotated shops everyday so we had a better understanding
of what each shop offered. We have 6 shops in all. My favorite was The Admirals
STIC: What was
sold there?
All the high-end collectables. Stage props, autographed memorabilia,
lithographs, and sculptures, 3-D Chessboards.... the best stuff on the market.
Loved it in there because if a customer had a question you were allowed to stand
there and talk to them.... hours on end if you wanted to.
STIC: Sounds
like a fun job. According to The Experience web site the place is 65,000 square
feet, what does it seem like inside?
It seems a lot smaller. It feels like you on a space station because it's so
small and dark. Actually the structure is and actual set from Deep Space Nine to
give it the authentic look. Also, part of the ride itself is one of the sets
from The Next Generation. But now that I think of it, I can see why it's 65,000
square feet. Like the Enterprise, there are crawl spaces that you have to
discover to know they are there.
STIC: Does the
Promenade look like the one from the TV series?
It sure does, it's an actual set from the series.
STIC: About how
many people can fit into Quark's Bar?
I'm estimating about 150 to 200 people. When they have the tables cleared away
for a party.... 500 people can dance and party in there.
STIC: Is it a
big place?
It doesn't seem like it, but you'd be surprised.
STIC: Does
"Quark" work behind the bar and are the waiters Ferengi?
Laura: *LOL*
No, human's work behind the bar and serve the food. There are some Ferengi
walking around the Promenade and will talk to you while you are eating. Also
there are Klingons who will insult you for free and the last time I went back
they had beamed in a Romulan.
STIC: Sounds
kind of dangerous, how many people work for the Experience?
Well, that's hard to say. There are so many departments to staff. I'm guessing
about 500 or so.
STIC: That is a
lot of people to work for one attraction. Have the Klingons broken out into a
fight with the Romulans?
Laura: *LOL*
No, there is a peace treaty. That's also why they won't attack the visiting
STIC: That sure
puts people's minds at ease.
They will chase the Ferengi though. Very loudly I might add. It's the highlight
of the night when the fight. Dr. Vlarg is the Ferengi that gets in the most
trouble. Watch out for him, he'll steal you wallet
STIC: Must
remember to stay away from him. One of the biggest parts of the Experience is
the ride, what is the ride like?
The ride is great! It's like any flight simulation ride that's so popular
now-a-days. But the way they "prepare" you for it is unique. I won't
go into how the prep you...that would give away too much for anyone that hasn't
gone yet.
STIC: Can you
give a brief description on what happens when you first enter the ride?
Sure. You are herded in to a space where you'll watch a pre-show introduction.
Then the doors will open and you'll be asked to stand in lines. The pre-ride
movie will start talking about safety, pregnant women, and the
like...then...stuff happens that I can't divulge.
STIC: How long
is the ride?
It's about a 25-minute experience.
according to the site, there are 4 types of weddings, what are those like?
The weddings are fabulous. The ceremony is held on the bridge of the Enterprise
D with two "characters" as witnesses. The reception is held in Quarks
bar with gorgeous flower displays
STIC: What was
your most memorable experience?
Laura: *LOL*
I've got a lot, but my favorite was when I got to meet Jonathan Frakes. He's the
nicest guy! He was hired to be at a company part that bought out the experience
for the night. I was stationed at Moogies Trading Post that night which is right
out in the middle of everything. My best friend, who also worked there at the
time, had the biggest crush on him; I just admired him. We weren't allowed to
talk to the "stars" unless they talked to us first. I was talking to a
member of the party and somehow I got in how my friend and I would LOVE to meet
Jonathan Frakes. So, the guy went over to him and told him that we would love to
meet him. Jonathan came over and, because he's so tall, leaned over the counter
to shake our hands and talk to us for a bit. He has the bluest eyes! My friend
said she would never wash that hand again! *LOL* A close second would be the
time a lady came in and asked where all the Yoda stuff was. *LOL*
STIC: What kinds
of food and drinks are served at the restaurant and what is your favorite?
Laura: Ooooo! My favorite alcoholic drink the Warp Core Breach! No contest! It's served
in a fish bowl with dry ice in it to give it the steaming effect. It's got 7
types of Rum and SoBe in it. You can't taste the alcohol.
STIC: What is
your favorite food?
My favorite food is Moogies Choice Pasta and the CheeseBorger. I can't choose
between them. My favorite non-alcoholic drink would have to be Data's Day. It's
an experience just reading the menu at Quarks
STIC: What is
your favorite part of The Experience?
My favorite? The bar. Not just for the drinks. The atmosphere and it's the best
place to meet a Ferengi, Klingon, or a Romulan.
STIC: What is
featured in the museum?
Lot's of props, costumes, and a complete Star Trek timeline.
STIC: Can you
give a brief description on how the place is laid out?
Well, when you approach it you have a choice. On your right is a ramp leading up
to the ride and the History of The Future. On your left are some stairs leading
down to the Promenade and Quarks Bar and Restaurant. If you head down the
stairs, Quarks in on your right as well as the phones and the bathrooms. On your
left would be Moogies Trading Post, the beginning of the retail shops. After
Moogies, on your left, are Admirals, the Photo Morph, Zek's Grand Emporium,
Latinum Jewelers, and finally Garak's Clothiers. Zek's, Latinum's, and Garak's
are all one big store. Thanks!!
STIC: Thank you
for your time Laura. :)
You're welcome. I hope to see you at The Experience someday!
STIC: Well, I certainly will try to go there one day