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Hoshi Sato

Full Name:
Hoshi Sato
Birthday: July 9, 2128
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Children: Unknown
Education: Starfleet Academy
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Last Known Assignment: Communications Officer, Enterprise NX-01

Notable Events



     Hoshi Sato spent her childhood learning languages.  She left her position at the Amazon university teaching exo-linguistics to join the crew of the NX-01 Enterprise in 2151.  She was the communications officer.

     She broke the communication barrier with the Klingons, Axanars, Valakians, Menks, and Xindi.

     She had to overcome her fear of deep space exploration.  Her fear was brought out when the crew came across a ship of dead Axanars.

     She was kidnapped by Xindi-Reptilian Commander Dolim.  Dolim used her to crack the Xindi superweapon codes.  She was rescued by the Enterprise crew.

     She retired from Starfleet sometime after the decommission of the NX-01 Enterprise.  Her last Starfleet rank was Lieutenant Commander.

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