The Fabrini used to live on a planet until their sun went nova. They had developed atomic power and limited interplanetary travel.
The high priestess governed the people. Only the high priestess could choose her mate. The marriage ceremony was rather simple.
They built a starship and disguised it as an asteroid to preserve their species. The ship was called Yondana. This took place about 10,000 years ago.
The ship was hollow and had a breathable atmosphere. The ship could only travel at impulse speeds.
The inhabitants of Yonada created a religion for their descendants in which the creator were to be worshipped as gods. They were servants to the computer known to them as the Oracle.
Any transgressions against this and the accused was severely punished. A device monitored all their thoughts and if necessary could administer punishment.
The U.S.S. Enterprise came across Yonada. It was heading for a heavily populated Federation planet. The crew of the Enterprise gained control and fixed the computer’s heading. The Fabrini reached their new world 396 days after the Enterprise helped them.