Crew & Resident quarters The primary grouping of living quarters is contained within the Habitat Ring. The current Habitat Ring assignments are given to Starfleet and Bajoran crews, diplomats, and other dignitaries, and some commercial operators and transient ship crews.
The washing facilities typically include a sink, toilet, and sonic shower. Power and consumables connections for the residence units include EPS user power, RF and subspace com links and hardline ODN circuits. Most of the EPS user devices employ induction power transfers, so that few EPS connections are required as breakouts through the wall paneling. Standard environment for the units is that of Class-M planets. Twenty-five percent of all quarters have been augmented with semipermanent breathing-gas and liquids-processing modules and subfloor connections to support class-H, K, and L environment conditions. Transient facilities have been augmented to support an additional 3% class-B, N, and C environments. |