Operations Center The primary control of all station activities is handled by the Operations center, or ops, which occupies all of Level 1 of Deep Space 9. In the original Terok Nor configuration, ops was known more formally known as the Command Center. All key connections of power and consumables were made once a permanent latching was completed. Experts from Starfleet Intelligence, Corps of Engineers, and R&D moved in during the handover of the station in 2369 and performed exhaustive scans and disassembles of key prioritized as to work needed to bring them back on-line and up to Starfleet Regulatory Agency (SFRA) standards. Ops interacts with all possible systems built into the space station, arranged into defined work volumes and tied into a single, massively crosslinked computer core interface. All of Deep Space 9 is accessed through two turbolifts terminus landings, and both routine and emergency transports are possible from the transporter platform. The ops transporter remains Cardassian and has been upgraded only with Starfleet pattern buffer controllers and power conditioners. Access to the station is also available through a stairway to Levels 2 and 3, near the defensive shield generators. The refurbished ops saw numerous modifications to the computer systems and interface consoles, accompanied by more appropriate section names. The present work stations include central situation table, science, engineering systems diagnostics, and station commanders office. |