Engineering Station The engineering station remains basically as it was during the occupation of Bajor, through the computational and control functions have been modified to allow it to work with the Starfleet computer upgrades. The engineering station is connected to its primary systems by 1,879 dedicated lines, with 547 backup ODN lines to life support and defensive weapons. The primary systems monitored and controlled by this system are: * Fusion power generation- All aspects of energy production utilizing the six fusion reactors and deuterium fuel storage and transfer are directly controlled. * Electroplasma system- Power distribution throughout the EPS network is directly controlled. * Computer cores and ODN network- The optronic system status of all Cardassian and Starfleet computer hardware and optionic data network is monitored. * Defensive weapons- All station-mounted large phasers, photon and quantum torpedoes, tractor beams, and shield generators are directly controlled and maintained with station security. * Communications- All high-energy subspace com equipment is directly controlled and maintained. * Life support/Environmental control- Atmospheric gas constituents, temperature, pressure, humidity, and potable liquid distribution are directly controlled and maintained. Other systems managed by the engineering station include the transporters, specialized ordnance, waste management devices, replicators, docking ports, and gravity generators. The entire Deep Space 9 physical structure is also maintained by the engineering department. The primary structural systems are the main skeletal framing and hull plating, and engineering monitors both for stress and radiation damage and performs all necessary repairs. |