Computer Cores The current Deep Space 9 computer network, is made up of the original Cardassian processors and added Starfleet hardware, continuously monitors and maintains the operating status of nearly all other station systems. The computer network consists of three main processing cores and Starfleet coprocessor and peripherals group (CPG) located between Levels 14 and 21, deep within the Mid-Core assembly of Deep Space Nine. The computer cores are protected from external EM by multiple shielding layers and from physical shock through the use of electrohydraulic attenuation beds at the dorsal and ventral ends. Core Data Storage Isolinear rods are the primary data storage medium. Each come is equipped with 104,976 class-4 isolinear rods for primary storage, arranged in 2,916 groups of 36 rods. Isolinear Rods Isolinear rods are fabricated using multiaxis chromopolymer lithography techniques similar to those used to produce Starfleet isolinear chips. |