DenobulansThe Denobulans are a humanoid species from the planet Denobula. They are typically polygamous. Each member would have three mates and those mates would each have two other mates. The relationships are open and they can have romantic relations with others. Males have a tough time being touched by others they are not intimate with. Some Denobulans have the ability to hallucinate. They consider this a healthy way to release nervous energy. Denobulans have facial ridges running down both sides of their face. They also have ridges on their spine. They have large tongues. They have the ability to enlarge their faces. They also have rather large smiles. Denobulans had fought several wars against the Antarans. The last one took place during approximately the 1850s. In 2155, a Denobulan ambassador was to heading to Earth to join in the talks of forming a Coalition of Planets. During an unknown attack from the Borg in 2152, Doctor Phlox was able to fight off the Borg nanoprobes. It is unclear why he was able to do this. No other information from this attack is unknown. |