The Danube class runabouts are a multirole starship.
The runabout began in 2363 as a project that could perform a variety of
scientific, resupply, and personnel transfer missions.
The prototype, U.S.S. Danube NX-72003, was constructed
at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2365. The ship measures 23.1 meters in
length, 13.7 meters in width, and 5.4 meters tall.
Deep Space Nine was reconstructed to accept the
runabouts. Some living quarters were converted for engineering support. Some
were shielded from potential detonations or other energy releases.
The runabout cockpit design from existing shuttlecraft.
The cockpit has the ability to detach and land on a planetary surface. The
forward section contains all of the flight controls, engineering, and tactical
systems. The cockpit can be replaced for specific types of missions. The aft
port station can be configured for tactical.
The computer core is located within the cockpit
subflooring. The twin-core concept is featured on the runabout. There is a total
of 186 isolinear banks with 53 command preprocessors and data analysis units.
Isolinear subnodes are featured throughout the runabout and report to the core.
The connections are severed if the cockpit detaches.
The runabout’s warp drive system is horizontally. The
deuterium storage tank is located at the forward end of the spine and two
antideterium pod at the aft end. The impulse drive utilizes eight subscale
impulse fusion reactors.
Runabouts feature six standard phaser strips mounted on
forward, on the nacelles, and on the aft living module. Runabouts were equipped
with microtorpedoes. They measure 13.3 centimeters. An extendable launcher tube
is built into the sensor pallet under the cockpit. The microtorpedoes can be
loaded with either chemical explosives or biological agents.
The runabouts feature all the system and personnel
support found on larger starships. They feature a transporter, sensors, full
life support. Emergency medical kits and type-2 hand phasers are also featured.