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Wesley Crusher

Full Name
: Wesley Robert Crusher
Date of Birth: July 29, 2349
Place of Birth: Earth
     Father: Jack Robert Crusher
     Mother: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher
Unfinished degree, Starfleet Academy, 2367-70
Marital Status: Single
Rank: Ensign
Current Assignment: Traveler

Notable Events

2349- Born
2367- Enters Starfleet Academy
2379- Attends the wedding of Captain William Riker and Deanna Troi




     Wesley Crusher was born in 2349. His parents were Jack and Beverly Crusher. He lost his father at an early age, when Jack Crusher was killed during a mission aboard the U.S.S. Stargazer.

     He would later serve as an acting ensign aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. He would be commissioned to the position by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Jack Crusher served under Picard at the time of his death.

     Crusher was sentenced to death after he broke a law on Rubicun III. He would be saved by Picard. His first romantic involvement was with Salia, the leader of the planet Daled IV.

     He tried to get into Starfleet Academy in 2364. He scored well but he didn't gain entrance. He continued his studies aboard the Enterprise. He was accepted into Starfleet academy in 2367.

     He was accepted into the Nova Squadron flight team at the academy. His team performed an illegal maneuver. A fellow cadet died during the maneuver. He received a reprimand and he had to repeat his sophomore year.

     He became frustrated with the academy and he resigned in 2370. He would later go on to live the colonists of Dorvan V. He was aided by the Traveler.

     In 2379, he would attend the wedding of Captain William Riker and Counselor Deanna Troi on Earth.

Additional Pictures

Wesley Wesley