Beverly Crusher
Full Name: Beverly Cheryl Howard Crusher
Birthday: October 13, 2324
Birthplace: Copernicus City, Luna
Father: Paul Howard
Mother: Isabel Howard
Siblings: Unknown
Species: Human
Marital Status: Widowed
Education: Starfleet Academy and medical school, 2342-2350
Son: Wesley Robert Crusher
Current Rank: Commander
Current Assignment: Starfleet Medical |
Notable Events
2324- Born
2342- Enters Starfleet Academy medical school
2348- Marries Jack Crusher
2349- Son Wesley Crusher is born
2350- Graduates medical school
2354- Jack Crusher dies
2364- Assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise-D
2365- Serves as head of Starfleet Medical
2366- Returns to U.S.S. Enterprise-D
2370- Grandmother, Felisia Howard dies
2372- Assigned to U.S.S. Enterprise-E
2379- Returned to Starfleet Medical