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Charles Tucker III

Full Name:
Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Birthday: 2121
Birthplace: Panama City, Florida
Death: 2161
Place of Death: NX-01 Enterprise
Charles Tucker Jr.
  Mother: Unknown
  Sister: Elizabeth (died in 2153 from Xindi attack)
  Brother: Unknown
Species: Human
Marital Status: Single
Children: One with alien mother
Education: Starfleet Academy (2139)
Rank: Commander
Position: Chief Engineer/Second Officer, Enterprise NX-01

Notable Events

2121- Born
Entered Starfleet
2143- Met Captain Jonathan Archer
2143- Worked on the NX Project
2151- Assigned to Enterprise NX-01
2154- Transferred to NX-02 Columbia
2154- Transferred back to NX-01 Enterprise
2161- Killed during the NX-01 Enterprise's last mission


     Charles Tucker III was raised in Florida for some time early in his life.  He had been in Starfleet for 12 years when he was assigned to the Enterprise NX-01 as Chief Engineer.  He had known Captain Jonathan Archer since 2143.

     He had a dislike for Vulcans.  He resented T'Pol for being assigned to the Enterprise.  He eventually came to accept her as part of the crew and eventually had a romantic link with her, which didn't work.

     He is sentimental and will show his true feelings.  He had only had three relationships which never worked out when he joined the crew of the Enterprise.

     He would lose his sister in the Xindi attack in 2153.  He would live with the pain throughout the journey through the Delphic Expanse.  He would turn to T'Pol for comfort during this difficult time.

     He would become critically injured during a spatial anomaly.  Dr. Phlox created a clone of Tucker.  The clone was named Sim.  Sim would die so Phlox could harvest brain tissue.

     He died in 2161 after saving Captain Archer's life.  Alien abductors would board Enterprise and attempted to kill Archer.  Tucker would risk his own life to stop the aliens.

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