CapellansThe inhabitants of Capella IV were humanoid with muscular physiques. Many of them were nearly 2 meters tall. They were a warrior race. The Capellan society was organized into the Ten Tribes. It was collectively led by a teer. Other males held positions of power. They did not fear death. They admired strength and honestly. They had no medicine or hospitals. Their society was quite stable. Strict laws, customs, and honor made sure of this. Capellans would kill another if another broke an oath. Generally, the males would battle. The females were responsible for starting the combat. They had a ritual gift-giving to negotiate or initiate a fight between the males. Male Capellans wore a sidearm called a kleegat. This was a small three-prong throwing disc. They also had an assortment of knives and swords. Children would have their father's name as a surname. They could also be named to honor others. A widowed mother would give her children to another before claiming the child as her own. Males wore boldly colored jumpsuits trimmed with belts. Women wore gowns and adorned their hair with matching scarves and veils. |