BynarsThe Bynars are advanced humanoids from the planet Bynaus. The planet is located in the Beta Magellan system. The Bynars are shorter then humans. They have much larger heads indicating well developed brains. They usually are found in pairs. Bynars can communicate with other species. When communicating with each other, they use their own language quickly. Pairs of Bynars often finish each other’s sentences. They are dependent on computers. Over time they have become so interconnected to the computer on Bynaus, their language and thought patterns are nearly binary as they can be for a humanoid species. The Federation often employs Bynars to work on computer systems. Both members of a pair wear boxes that act as buffers. Since the Bynars aren’t computers, the boxes will store information until it is needed. If the computer on Bynaus goes down, so do the Bynars. A serious problem forced the computer on Bynaus to shut down on Starate 41365.9. The Bynars working on the ship stole the U.S.S. Enterprise-D and took it to Bynaus. The Bynars wanted to use the Enterprise to store the Bynaus computer information in the Enterprise’s computer. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander William T. Riker were sucessfully able to restart the Bynars’ computer. |